lesson seven

Chinese American Museum, Los Angeles, California, Dec. 2017

 lesson five

Chinese American Museum, Los Angeles, California, Dec. 2017

Ewa Plantation community laundry, Ewa, Hawaiʻi, 1908, Mrs. Kelly Yoon Ock Kim Collection

 Quiet Odyssey p25

 Quiet Odyssey p46

 Quiet Odyssey p47

 Quiet Odyssey p103   exchangewage

 In the Service of His Korean Majesty p101

 In the Service of His Korean Majesty p101-102

 Driven Out p65   clothes


production still, 피나는 노력으로 한 [A Woman Whose Head Came Out Before Her Name], 2015,
Spandau studio (Telegrafenweg 21), Berlin, Germany; courtesy of Artist