video still, Dog Video, 2006; courtesy of Artist
Artist's note on Dog Video, for the exhibition, Gwangju Biennale 7, “Insertions”, 2008
image from the catalog, Gwangju Biennale 7, “Insertions”, 2008; courtesy of Artist (SHKIM08DW019)
Chung, Yeon Shim and Kim, Sunjung, et al. "Korean Art From 1953: Collision, Innovation, Interaction," PHAIDON, 2020, p310-312
Finbow, Acatia, "Sung Hwan Kim, Dog Video 2006, From The Commanding Height… 2007, Washing Brain and Corn 2010, Temper Clay 2012", case study, Performance At Tate: Into the Space of Art, Tate Research Publication, Jun. 2016