SUNG HWAN KIM and a lady from the sea, video still, 12 minutes, 2005; courtesy of Artist
방혜진, "납작한 표면, 비효율성의 장치: 김성환과 레이디 프롬 더 씨— 12
minutes, Green Lotte, Flat White Rough Cut," [Bang, Hye Jin, “Flat Surface, Apparatus of inefficiency: SUNG HWAN KIM and a lady from the sea— 12
minutes, Green Lotte, Flat White Rough Cut,”] Emerging Other, Arko Art Center, 2016, p65-68
Choi, Binna, "30," Heman Chong: The Sole Proprietor and other Stories, Vitamin Creative Space, 2006, p51-60
안소연, "김성환과 레이디 프롬 더 씨,"
[Ahn, Soyeon, "SUNG HWAN KIM and a lady from the sea,"] Art Spectrum 2006, catalogue, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, 2006, p12-22