1, 18: performance still

8, 9: production still, 피나는 노력으로 한 [A Woman Whose Head Came Out Before Her Name], 2015, Asian Arts Theatre, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea; invited by Seong Hee Kim; courtesy of Artist

2-7, 10-17: production still, 피나는 노력으로 한 [A Woman Whose Head Came Out Before Her Name], 2015, Spandau studio (Telegrafenweg 21), Berlin, Germany; courtesy of Artist

19, 20: 피나는 노력으로 한 [A Woman Whose Head Came Out Before Her Name] set, 2015, Architectural model, Wood, [ ]; courtesy of Artist

Choi, Binna, “FRUITS OF EFFORT,” Asia Culture Center Theater 2015 Opening Festival Review, Asia Culture Center [최빛나, "노력의 대가," 국립아시아문화전당 예술극장 2015 개관 페스티벌 리뷰, 국립아시아문화전당], 2016, p92-97

Aschenbrenner, Max-Philip, “An interview with Sung Hwan Kim & David Michael DiGregorio,” Asian Arts Theatre Webwhale, Jul. 2015

아센브렌너, 막스-필립, “김성환/데이빗 마이클 디그레고리오 인터뷰,” 아시아예술극장 웹고래, 2015년 7월

          womanhead poster




____ boook

____ drawing